Saturday, August 3, 2013

Robert Ferrier, 9 years old, recounts his vacation to Missouri

rbf to cbb 072174a (28.4M)
rbf to cbb 072174b (3.2 M)

On July 21, 1974, in Orangeburg, SC, a 9-year-old Robert Ferrier recounts (with much prompting from his mother, Diane Biswell Ferrier) the two-week trip to Linn, MO, he took to visit his paternal grandmother Virginia Vaughan Ferrier ("Granny"); his aunt and uncle, Mary Lou and Harold Schulte; and his three cousins, Suzanne, Sara, and Tony. He left on June 30 and returned about July 14. The recording was made for his maternal grandparents Charles and Mary Biswell. It was a big adventure as this was his first plane flight and he traveled alone from Columbia, SC, to St. Louis, MO, and back.

The canoe trip was down the Gasconade River where the Schultes had a cabin. Silver Dollar City is an amusement park in Branson, MO.

Two telephone calls were made during the trip and parts of both were recorded. Voices heard are Robert, Diane, his sister Karen, his father David, and Virginia. Charles Biswell assembled the tape on February 1, 1975. During Robert's vacation, the Ferriers had taken Ann and Susan Biswell to the beach and David sailed his Sunfish sailboat that he recently bought. They must have traveled to Charlotte, NC, where Biswell girls lived.

1 comment:

  1. Robert,I would think twice before putting you on a plane to St Louis today by yourself at nine years old. It was good to hear David and Granny talking on the phone. Thanks for the memories.
    Diane Ferrier.
